
Managing Editor, Rethink Retail

Gabriella Bock

Managing Editor, Rethink Retail



十一月 11, 2022

Retailers Shouldn’t Sleep on Enhancing Store Experiences

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered the way consumers shop. After the 2020 holiday shopping season proved the power of e-commerce, mobile apps, and the adoption of alternative fulfillment methods, many of us are wondering if we will see a big return to in-store shopping once the pandemic is behind us. If there’s one thing we know for certain, the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the pressure on brick-and-mortar stores to find a new purpose beyond simply transacting.

三月 16, 2021

How RAIN RFID Can Help Retailers Now More Than Ever

The pandemic has upended our lives for the foreseeable future, changing simple experiences like going to the store forever. Shopper behaviour was already beginning to shift before COVID-19, due to technologies and services like omnichannel retailing, such as BOPIS and curbside pick-up, but has the pandemic accelerated the digital transformation of retail stores for the better?

十一月 19, 2020


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