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Audi City

How to purchase a real car in a virtual store


  • Mobility


  • Experience Elevation

Get to know Audi City


Audi is trying to reach a more urban and young audience that does not often visit traditional car dealerships. As a result, the brand developed Audi City. Audi City is a new kind of Showroom, a place to experience the brand. Just like “Vorsprung durch Technik” Valtech and Audi worked together to advance through technology.

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One seamless experience

Audi City

Visitors are invited to view their car and customise it through different interfaces, from giant screens, tablets, interactive tables and natural gestures. They can also leave with a way to review their car once at home. Most of the tools to make this happen already existed... but the problem was how to make them work together in one seamless experience.

Valtech developed a platform that connects all the elements of the experience: elements that synchronise the visual systems and the acoustics, elements that bring together the sales people and the visitor of the shop and elements that tie in all the interfaces and CRM capacities of Audi. Working with several partners, Valtech orchestrated the collaboration through its vast agile methodological experience. This way of working helped bring together different skills from architects, designers, and of course hardcore software development.

Audi City was made possible in time for the London Olympics. The project is so successful that Audi has rolled out several more of these virtual showrooms. Valtech is proud to be a part of that story.

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