Leading through tech anxiety: 2024 Leadership Priorities in Tech

Multi-page mockup Leading through tech anxiety

Valtech’s survey of more than 800 executives across the UK and US found that technology investment is a priority as change accelerates in almost every organization.

But despite agreement that digital transformation is non-negotiable, anxiety levels around technology are high. 94% of respondents reported tech anxiety among senior leaders in their organization.

In this report, we reveal a picture of an enterprise landscape that’s constantly shifting — creating huge opportunities and challenges.

How do you lead through tech anxiety?

Discover how technology anxiety is impacting organizations and explore key insights to help you navigate an ever-evolving digital landscape. We surveyed 800 senior leaders, discussing current experiences and future priorities.

Key findings


of leaders say digital transformation investment is needed in the next year


of business leaders fully trust their company’s data

No. 1

AI and machine learning is the top priority for future investment


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Deep dives

Alongside our main report, we’re putting three key industries under the microscope. Learn more in our industry-specific deep dives into leadership priorities across retail, financial services, and agriculture and manufacturing.

Retail research

Retail and distribution leaders are under pressure. Changing consumer expectations, the cost of living crisis, and fast-moving tech innovation mean they can’t afford to stand still. Read our in-depth sector report—Leading through tech anxiety in retail and distribution—to discover the tech challenges raising anxiety levels and explore key investment priorities for retail leaders in 2024.

Read the report

Financial services research

Financial leaders are navigating a constantly shifting industry landscape and it can be tough to know where to focus digital transformation efforts. In our industry research report, Leading through tech anxiety in financial services, we explore the biggest areas of tech anxiety in financial services alongside the tech and data priorities that leaders are focused on right now.

Read the report

Agriculture and manufacturing research

Agriculture and manufacturing leaders have always pushed the boundaries of innovation, constantly searching for new ways to be more productive and sustainable while meeting the needs of their customers. In our latest sector report, Leading through tech anxiety in retail and distribution, we explore 2024 leadership priorities, data needs and the digital transformation challenges that are raising anxiety levels across the industry.

Read the report