A group of five people, three men and two women, are gathered around a laptop in an office setting, engaged in a discussion. One man and one woman are seated, while the others stand.

Introducing V.Ex: Valtech’s free steppingstone to data experimentation success

A group of five people, three men and two women, are gathered around a laptop in an office setting, engaged in a discussion. One man and one woman are seated, while the others stand. A group of five people, three men and two women, are gathered around a laptop in an office setting, engaged in a discussion. One man and one woman are seated, while the others stand.
Ryan Tepperman
Senior Analyst, Marketing Science at Valtech
a man, called Ryan Tepperman, smiling at the camera
Jason Albert
Lead Analytics Analyst II at Valtech
a man, called Jason Albert, in a white shirt
Kevin Schofield
Director of Digital Marketing at Valtech
a man, Kevin Schofield, with a beard and mustache wearing a blue shirt, smiling at the camera
Holly Quilter
Senior Analyst within Data & Analytics at Valtech

julho 16, 2024

Experimentation is a crucial competitive advantage for businesses looking to drive value and achieve their desired outcomes. At Valtech, we understand the importance of experimentation — as well as the challenges clients face when it comes to investing in expensive tools with which they have no prior experience. That's why we are excited to introduce Valtech Experimentation (V.Ex), our innovative solution designed to help clients embark on their experimentation journey.

What is V.Ex?

V.Ex is an in-house experimentation platform that allows clients to perform A/B tests, multivariate tests and personalization without the need to purchase additional software.

V.Ex uses tools that many businesses already have within their marketing technology stacks: a tag management system, an analytics platform and a heatmapping tool.

Why did we create V.Ex?

We developed V.Ex in response to the sunsetting of Google Optimize in September 2023.

While many experimentation platforms are vying to fill the gap left by Google Optimize, we recognize that clients who are new to experimentation may be hesitant to invest in costly tools without seeing the value and benefits of experimentation firsthand.

V.Ex bridges this gap by providing a steppingstone ecosystem for businesses eager to begin their experimentation journeys. From here, they can scale up to more advanced platforms when they’re ready.

The benefits of V.Ex

V.Ex offers these businesses six clear advantages:


V.Ex is free to use, which eliminates the financial barriers that can deter businesses from engaging in experimentation. This encourages companies to explore and embrace experimentation as a vital component of their digital strategies.

Ease of integration

V.Ex is designed to work with existing marketing tools. By using components already in a client’s martech stack, V.Ex ensures businesses can start experimenting without the need for significant additional investments.

Proven success

We have already seen the impact of V.Ex in action across multiple clients in many different martech stacks. We successfully implemented V.Ex for a prominent hospitality client using the Adobe Suite, now on our eighth experience. The results were remarkable:

  • A 160% increase in sign-ups by updating the calls to action in the landing page's loyalty component.

  • A 34% increase in sign-ups by adding sticky call-to-action buttons.

These successes highlight V.Ex's effectiveness and readiness for integration with platforms like the Google Suite, as well.


In the digital space, experimentation is a critical competitive advantage. By encouraging our clients to invest in robust experimentation strategies, we help them stay ahead of the curve, drive value and achieve their business outcomes.

Fostering a culture of experimentation

Experimentation is a gateway to a culture of continuous improvement and innovation. We invite you to embark on this journey with us. Let’s leverage the power of experimentation to unlock new opportunities and drive your business forward.

A steppingstone to advanced experimentation

V.Ex is an excellent starting point for clients new to experimentation, but it is not the end state of their optimization journeys. We view V.Ex as a bridge that encourages clients to invest in experimentation and experience its benefits firsthand.

As clients grow and mature in their experimentation strategies, Valtech is committed to supporting them as they transition toward the more advanced experimentation platforms offered by our trusted partners, such as Optimizely, Sitecore and Adobe.

The key features of V.Ex

V.Ex encompasses a suite of tools designed to make experimentation accessible and effective. These include:

  • An experimentation script generator. Easily create and deploy scripts to run experiments on your site.

  • A sample size calculator. Determine the sample size needed to achieve statistically significant results.

  • A conversion significance calculator. Evaluate the significance of conversion rate changes.

  • A revenue significance calculator. Assess the financial impact of your experiments.

  • Visualizations. Gain insights through intuitive visual representations of your data.

  • Heatmapping tool integration. Integrate with tools such as Microsoft Clarity to understand user behavior visually.

  • Data layer integration. Seamlessly incorporate your data layer for enhanced data collection and analysis.

Our tailored offerings to support your experimentation journey

We understand each client’s needs are unique. That’s why we offer a range of tailored services to support your experimentation journey:

  • Standalone audit. A comprehensive review of your current marketing tool stack and/or experimentation programs to identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Accelerator program. This program is designed to assist those who are new to experimentation. It caters to two distinct types of clients: Those who do not have an experimentation platform yet but have expressed interest in learning more (our V.Ex platform is perfect for this), and those who have already invested in a platform and need help unlocking its capabilities.

  • Custom programs. For clients more experienced in the experimentation space, we offer customized programs to refine and optimize your existing experimentation strategies.


Example of the ‘V.Ex’ product with a Serving Experiences and Conducting Analysis screen, together with the equation Tag Management System plus Analytics Platform plus Heatmapping Platform equates V.Ex




Wondering whether V.Ex is a fit for your company’s experimentation goals? Have a look at the frequently asked questions below:

Does V.Ex require Google Tag Manager/GA4? Or can it work with platforms outside of the Google suite?

V.Ex can work with any combination of a tag management system and a web/clickstream analytics platform, including Adobe Launch and Adobe Analytics. Heatmapping tools are not required for V.Ex, but they’re highly recommended for advanced post-test reporting (plus, Microsoft Clarity is free).

On average, how long does it take to stand up V.Ex?

We can set it up and have it running in as little as a day!

That said, you will want to consider establishing what you want to test against before you move forward with the tool. For example:

  • Do you know what you want to test?

  • Do you have an experimentation roadmap?

  • Do you have a goal tree?

From there, we can help with both the program orchestration and execution. Get in touch to find out more.

Can we launch a campaign or experience straightaway after setting up V.Ex?

Launching a campaign right after setting up V.Ex depends on a few factors:

  • What exactly do you want to test?

  • How complex is the campaign? For instance, do you need a developer to build a new feature?

To start, we recommend running a simple campaign to see how things work. This could involve small changes such as modifying text or adjusting the layout. Once we know what we are testing, our goal would be to have everything set up, tested and ready to launch within one week.

Would we have to purchase any new tools to set up V.Ex?

Nope. That’s one of the most valuable aspects of V.Ex. We can use your existing tag management and analytics platforms to get started with experimentation, and then upgrade to a more advanced platform when the timing is right.

What types of data can collected with V.Ex?

We leverage data that’s available and allowed to be collected with systems such as GA4, Adobe Analytics, Microsoft Clarity, etc.

Is V.Ex intended to be used for A/B/n testing, personalization or both?

It can be used for A/B/n testing and explicit personalization. We can personalize the experience for visitors based on what campaigns brought them to your site, what pages they previously visited, what website actions they have taken, and so on.

Is V.Ex meant to be a replacement/alternative options to the leading experimentation platforms in the space (Optimizely, Adobe Target, VWO, etc.)?

Nope. V.Ex lets teams get started with experimentation by leveraging the existing platforms in their tech stacks. From there, you can upgrade and purchase a more advanced experimentation platform when the team is ready and budget allows.

How do I learn more?

Contact us today!
