The beauty giant L'Oréal reinventing itself through collaborative commerce

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Every industry evolves. Join us to learn how beauty giant L'Oréal reinvented itself through collaborative commerce.
L'Oreal's Chief Digital Officer, Alessandra Valença, and Valtech's SVP of Global Strategic Partnerships, Todd Harris are taking the stage on April 13th at VTEX DAY in São Paulo, Brazil.
Since 2013 bringing together people and companies interested in technology, business and entrepreneurship, VTEX DAY is the largest retail, business and digital innovation event in Latin America.
Learn more at vtexday.vtex.com.
Can't make it to Brazil?
We've got you covered with this story about how L'Oréal combines Commerce and a luxury shopping experience with their Kérastase brand.
Want to know more about Valtech's collaboration with VTEX?
Explore our market a highly available, scalable commerce solution in this whitepaper where they discuss ways the Digital Commerce Launchpad can transform your customers' eCommerce experience.