
Strategic Content Lead

Tizzy Philp

My Insights

Fit for the Future with agile technologies and organizations

It’s clear that when it comes to customer experience, consumers now expect the same service from B2B interactions as they currently get from their B2C engagements. From product personalisation to seamless check out processes, B2B companies need to focus on customer centric approaches that make doing business with them as easy as possible.

novembro 20, 2020

Welcome to the Distribution Revolution

The Digital revolution requires a shift from simply selling products to serving customers across both the B2B and B2C industries. But, to meet the needs of the consumer in today’s markets, firms must face up to the dominating presence of third-party marketplaces like Amazon Business.

outubro 22, 2020

Como evitar desastres tecnológicos enquanto seu negócio cresce

Conforme as empresas se expandem através de crescimento orgânico e aquisições, há sempre um risco de que o lado tecnológico se torne bem mais complicado do que precisa. Quando você acaba trabalhando com múltiplas plataformas, sistemas e configurações, como pode evitar as armadilhas mais comuns e escapando de um desastre tecnológico?

junho 24, 2020
