
VP, Technology and Solution Delivery

Glen McInnis

Glen McInnis is VP, Technology and Solution Delivery at Valtech in Toronto, Canada. As Sitecore MVP since 2009, he has both deep strategic and tactical experience with Sitecore. Glen has overseen teams responsible for more than 200 content management deployments and complements this real-world experience with substantive formal education. He is currently involved in the world’s largest Sitecore implementation on Azure PaaS -- totaling over 1000 Sitecore websites for over a billion customers worldwide.

My Insights

Getting Ready for Sitecore Cortex: A Sitecore Architect's Intro to Machine Learning in Sitecore

Sitecore Symposium introduced us to Sitecore Cortex, the new machine learning (ML) component coming in version 9.1. This will be yet another shift for Sitecore developers and architects, as they will need to interact with an even broader cross-functional team. In this post, I cover a VERY high-level introduction to the machine learning development process and some tips on tooling.

novembro 10, 2017

Headless development with Sitecore: Comparing Item Service and SXA JSON

As we all know, Sitecore is pushing hard to improve the development experience in the headless scenario. While we await the next release and new features, there are at least two ways to facilitate headless development in Sitecore right now. In this post I’ll provide an overview of the Item Service and Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) JSON, providing some thoughts on when each might be appropriate.

setembro 05, 2017

Using Azure Search for Sitecore: A cost and benefit analysis

As Sitecore continues to release greater support for platform as a service (PaaS) offerings in Microsoft Azure more and more customers are attempting to understand the best deployment options. The support of Azure Search to replace Lucene or Solr is one of the latest improvements to Sitecore. In this post we explore the rational for using Azure Search.

julho 31, 2017
