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MACH THREE: Takeaways from the biggest composable event of the year

VP, Enterprise Platforms

juli 01, 2024

From June 17 – 18, leaders from 11 different industries came together in New York for the years’ largest event related to MACH architecture. Brands shared use cases about their own digital transformation projects, MACH leaders shared insights about the trends and changes on the horizon, and everyone was able to shine a light on the challenges present when shifting into MACH. For anyone who couldn’t make it, or anyone who just wants a quick refresher, we’ve collected the key takeaways from the event here.

MACH is about more than technology

One of the key takeaways from MACH THREE is that MACH is changing as understanding of MACH is spreading. We’ve seen a shift in the conversation away from why, and what the architecture is to how can it change not just my tech stack but our entire ways of working. As a result, MACH is no longer just about the different tech pieces that make up the whole. Instead, it’s about collaboration, innovation and a shift in the traditional business mindset that creates more resilient offerings and experiences for the future.

The question is no longer about how to use MACH to make flashy new experiences for the customer, it’s now about how to move ahead of the current digital strategy curve. The shift in focus means that new ways of working and new mindsets are crucial to a successful MACH execution. This was always the case, but many different companies with first-hand experience are making that reality clear for everyone else. A focus on business innovation, clearing the pathways for stronger collaboration and generally breaking down data silos wherever they may exist are all crucial moves for finding success through MACH.

Move over Retail, MACH is expanding across industries

The first two MACH conferences saw a heavy Retail and CPG presence among attendees. As the paradigm started to emerge during the pandemic, Retail brands needing to shift to stronger omnichannel offerings, with digital at the core, were the first to see the benefits to their immediate needs. Brands that had to launch new fulfillment options like BOPIS or improve their services across touchpoints saw how much easier and faster it was to make those changes through a MACH rather than a monolithic system.

Years later, we now see a more varied group of digital leaders from across industries waking up to the benefits of MACH. While Retailers continue to be the largest sector represented at the conference, Financial Services companies have grown to take the second spot, but Public Sector and Teleco companies are also adapting. This shows how MACH is reaching more mainstream audiences.

Diving deeper into the tech stack

Historically, MACH has been mostly about customer experiences and the consumer engagement technology that sit at the front of the tech stack. One of the clear trends we see taking shape now is MACH moving deeper, and some of the more business-centric applications (CRM, OMS, SCM, ERP, etc.) are now being aligned with MACH to further the innovation potential of the value chain. There’s no element of the business that’s not likely to be affected.

This speaks again to the mindset shift facilitated by MACH. Creating resilient, innovation platforms, the likes of which we see on the horizon for Mars, means that employees must adopt an innovation focus, and the entire company can’t just view transformation as a technology issue. Everything from business philosophy to team formation to systems of collaboration will all continue to evolve.

The future of MACH

MACH THREE showed how far MACH has spread and how much it has evolved over the years. There were panels and keynotes that illuminated the challenges others faced with the transformation, as well as illuminating use case presentations shining a light on what was possible on the other end of the change. Whether it’s the stories of a shoe brand transforming both their ecommerce and in-store channels in just 12 months, or the experience of a fast-food chain creating synergy between omnichannel offerings, there was something for everyone on display at the event.

We’re already looking forward to next year’s MACH FOUR. To make sure you don’t miss out on future events or to dive deeper into the topics covered here, contact us today.


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