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Casper Rasmussen

My Insights

MACH THREE takeaways

From June 17 – 18, leaders from 11 different industries came together in New York for the years’ largest event related to MACH architecture. Brands shared use cases about their own digital transformation projects, MACH leaders shared insights about the trends and changes on the horizon, and everyone was able to shine a light on the challenges present when shifting into MACH. For anyone who couldn’t make it, or anyone who just wants a quick refresher, we’ve collected the key takeaways from the event here.

juillet 02, 2024

5 étapes pour intégrer le marché avec le Commerce Composable

Pour ne pas rater de grandes opportunités business ni passer à côté de revenus substantiels, nous constatons que la capacité à se transformer rapidement se développe en travaillant de façon itérative, multi-disciplinaire et avec recul.

janvier 10, 2022

Initial Thoughts on Optimizely Delivery Core

Optimizely will soon go to market with a new and improved approach to enabling content management and content delivery. It is, at this time, referred to as Delivery Core, and it fundamentally changes the delivery approach compared to what the current Optimizely stack relies on.

mai 19, 2020

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The experience innovation company