Nous contacter

Marketing Analyst, Marketing Science & Applied Analytics Practice

Blair Roebuck

My Insights

Tech_Girl Amérique du Nord : montrer à coder aux prochaines leadeures de la technologie

Quel virage prendra le monde technologique de demain ? Nous aimons penser : féminin.

mai 12, 2020

Trying to run before you can crawl?

For many years, the data space has been the Wild West: lawless and chaotic. In this chaos, organizations scraped and collected as much data as they could get their hands on, without clear consideration for what they were going to do with this information.

décembre 09, 2019

Turning on the Potential

There are few things more disheartening than when we hear our customers say that they invested a huge amount of money in a platform that isn’t delivering what was promised. Of course there are a number of reasons that this might be the case.

septembre 06, 2019

Nous contacter

The experience innovation company