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Valtech interviewed in new Forrester report on The Top Strategies For Replatforming Your Commerce Solution


Pascal Lagarde, Valtech’s Digital Director of Commerce, emphasizes Valtech’s commitment to creating a compelling digital experience for customers amidst replatforming challenges.

A new generation of digital buyers are entering the market. Due to an increase in expectations, businesses today are seeking to provide a compelling digital experience through commerce replatforming. We believe the December 2019 Forrester report, The Top Strategies For Replatforming Your Commerce Solution, is a compelling guide and discusses the underlying pressures on businesses to replatform and the toughest decisions to be made during this process.

The report also provides lessons from top-performing clients to help stage a successful rollout, and the necessity for digital maturity assessment preceding platform selection. Pascal Lagarde, Valtech’s Director of Commerce, believes and supports our commitment to customer satisfaction and strategies for iterating improvement for commerce digital experience through “launching brand by brand, market by market”.

Check out the Forrester report for more guidance through your replatforming process, available here (access requires subscription or purchase). Want to know more about how Valtech can revolutionize your commerce platform? Contact Us now.

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