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Lelav, Aged 12, Wants to Be a Game Developer


Just a few times in your life, or maybe more if you're lucky, you meet someone that you grow particularly fond of. To me, Lelav is just that type of person.

She comes from Syria, speaks five languages and has an admirable approach to life. In her world anything is possible and problems are there to be solved.

I got the chance to interview Lelav and her 19 classmates as part of Tech Girl. During my interview with Lelav she told me that she had once wanted to be a doctor, but now that she has taken part in Tech Girl she is thinking about becoming a game developer instead.

I might be a bit biased when it comes to this subject, but as I listen to her I get goosebumps and feel a warmth spreading through my body. Partly because Lelav is such a great person, but also because it makes me so happy that every week, we’re really able to give more girls an insight into what it's like to work in the tech industry. Girls who otherwise probably would never have found their way to our industry – it's absolutely amazing to see their joy and dedication every time they come in to the office.

I hope you get the same feeling I do when you listen to her. Who knows, maybe it can inspire one more child to better believe in herself!

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Tech Girl is a venture that aims to inspire 11 & 12-year-old girls by sparking their interest in technology and programming. Valtech has been running the program since autumn 2014. So far we have worked with 276 girls, of whom 75 want to be programmers.

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