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Why you Need a Digital Hub in your Strategy


Digital Marketing has changed rapidly. Managing digital strategies in each phase of work, whether in progress or completed, has always been an intimidating challenge that is often avoided altogether. But reality cannot be circumvented: Efficient management of a digital strategy is critical to achieving the optimal result for which it was designed.

Traditionally, companies have faced this critical need by adding more elements to our organization, both internally and outsourcing processes and activities: hiring specialized agencies and service providers for creativity, listening, branding or performance campaigns, among others. At Valtech, we found that, on average, a company works with a minimum of five and a maximum of 30 suppliers to address a specific topic.

Digital Marketing has been transformed and coordinating such a number of specialists and isolated teams is a titanic task. The result is that half the lifespan of your company's digital projects goes into a series of endless meetings, reading and discussing reports. This must change.

We have addressed the problem of fragmentation of efforts and work teams, and based on experience, we find that the best approach, the most efficient and the one that best leverages the resources dedicated to a strategy or project is that of the Digital Hub or Digital Center.


What is a Digital Hub?

Digital Hubs are interdisciplinary teams that work as a unit and share the same goals and KPI's, are governed by the same vision, scope and work with the same metrics and analytics.


How does the Hub Develop?

First, we need to define the scope of the Hub so that the work is fluid and frictionless. Then you have to create the right structure and divide the implementation and strategy of the project.

One of the most important points is to recruit the right talent. The strategy is complemented by assigning a head of directors to monitor and mentor team members, provide the right working environment, and establish realistic and manageable KPI's, measurements and audits.


Benefits of a Digital Hub

  • In four out of five cases, the operating cost with a Digital Hub is lower than when hiring only agencies.
  • We have saved up to 50% of the operating cost.
  • On average, teams are up to 30% more productive.



The current Digital Marketing landscape is complex, time-consuming and costly, but it doesn't have to stay that way. We can refine our processes, business models and philosophy, based on actionable data and our innovative spirit to repair the flaws of the previous work model and welcome you to the future.

To delve into this topic, take inspiration from good practices, metrics, and details about the benefits of a digital hub, keep an eye out for our new whitepaper that will be released soon.

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