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Becoming a Connected Manufacturer

Strategy Partner


Becoming a Connnected Manufacturer comes with a lot of benefits. A better experience for your clients, increased efficiency and growth. It allows being able to offer a connected experience to your customers with connected teams and technology, connected data and content that connects. But how do you get there..?

The Connected Manufacturer

In today’s manufacturing landscape, expectations are rapidly evolving. It’s no longer just about delivering high-quality equipment, flawless engineering is the baseline. The true differentiator now lies in exceptional service.

To stay competitive, manufacturers must embrace a service-first mindset, transforming into service providers that deliver tailored, digital experiences and actionable insights. But achieving this shift isn’t easy.

Manufacturers face a host of challenges, from complex organizational structures to disjointed IT landscapes. The solution? Becoming a Connected Manufacturer—one that unifies teams, technology, and data to deliver a seamless, personalized experience across the entire customer journey.

Let’s explore how manufacturers can rise to this challenge and unlock new levels of growth and customer loyalty.

Expectations in manufacturing are changing

When selecting a manufacturer, equipment is increasingly perceived as a "commodity," where flawless engineering is expected and the distinguishing factor is exceptional service. This cultivates the necessary brand preference to maintain and drive a competitive edge.

But to offer exceptional service means manufacturers need to transform into service providers. Challenging the conventional product mindset.

Embracing a service-oriented organizational model involves delivering highly tailored (digital) services to diverse audiences. This entails furnishing actionable insights into their fleet, equipment performance, relevant documentation, and specific catalogue and pricing, to name only a few examples.

But for manufacturers to act as service providers isn’t easy

Many manufacturers have grown through buy-and-build strategies. This leads to complex organization structures with a multitude of regions, brands and divisions.

They often are only one of the involved parties involved in the solution journey and part of a large installed based. This requires accepting to be part of a bigger scheme. And in this bigger scheme the system owners collaborate with different organizations.

With the complex organization structure as a key characteristic, many manufacturers struggle to rationalize their IT landscape. With a large variety of systems and strategies it is difficult to find common ground in the digital landscape. This can manifest in an overwhelming experience.

For complex purchases you typically see; a larger buying committee with a range of actors all looking for information related to their role and their needs. The buying journey often isn’t linear and can take months or even years. The journey becomes a complex ecosystem of multiple touch points to navigate both online and offline. It can feel overwhelming.

There is a disconnect between the experience customers and prospects expect and what manufacturers deliver

There is a disconnect in the experience customers are looking for and the one they receive today. Despite 82% of manufacturers looking to increase share of wallet with existing clients (source: VODL 2024) only 26% of these clients described their digital experience with a brand they have an existing relationship with as “excellent.” (source: Adobe, Digital Trends Report). 86% B2B customers expect companies to understand their needs with personalized experiences that help make customers feel seen and understood – deepening a sense of connection.

Manufacturers need to deliver a connected experience

Manufacturers need to provide an experience that guides customers and prospects through their journey. Really connect the ecosystem of touchpoints with relevant information, based on their context. to deepen the connection. And basically, make their client’s life easier by adding so much value to get them hooked.

That sounds easy on paper. But the reality is you need connected teams, technology, content and data to be able to deliver a Connect Experience.

No smooth journey

  • The Ecosystem is bloated and there are fractures in the customer experience, from lead generation, to conversion, to to service.

  • Teams are disconnected and not aligned under a vision and as a result progress is slow. 46% of B2B leaders say slow or lagging programs are due to a lack of cross-functional and departmental collaboration. (source: VODL)

  • Legacy technology is disconnected with a large variety of disparate systems.

  • Most manufacturers do not have a data foundation in place to; understand audience needs, personalize experiences to support sales and deliver value added relevant services.

Leaders in this space will transition to become Connected Manufacturers

What are the main characteristics of The Connected Manufacturer?

- Connected experience - Distinct experiences that are connected and personalized across the Ecosystem of channels. You are guided throughout the buying journey from lead generation via the website, sales via ecommerce to service via a customer portal - with relevant information and content based on you and your needs. That results in higher quality ‘marketing qualified leads’ for the business.

- Connected teams - Shifting from a product organization to a services organization, requires new capabilities, technologies and processes. Removing silos with marketing, sales and technology. This also means cultural and organizational change.

- Content that connects - that supports, not just sells and connects emotionally with audiences. It can scale with personalized and relevant messaging throughout the buying and sales and services journeys.

- Connected data - at the heart of this transition is the enablement of data foundation to power new digital value-added services and personalization whilst maximizing performance and gain insights in customer behavior.

Connected Manufacturers see result

Manufacturers that get this right will see results. Buyers are 2.8 times more likely to experience a high degree of purchase ease, and 3 times more likely to buy a bigger deal with less regret (source: Gartner). Digitally mature Manufacturers 3x more likely to report margin and revenue growth v low maturity Manufacturers. (source: Deloitte).

Get in touch

If you would like to understand how you can transition to become a Connected Manufacturer then get in touch today.

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