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Transforming retail with experience innovation

A woman with curly hair smiling while wearing a white virtual reality headset and holding controllers, immersed in a VR experience.

Atteindre, effectuer des transactions et engager votre client dans chaque canal, dans toutes les interactions, chaque heure de la journée

Expériences à travers chaque point de contact


Le changement dans le commerce de détail n’est pas nouveau, et répondre aux attentes en évolution rapide des consommateurs d’aujourd’hui est un cycle continu et sans fin. De l’épicerie à l’électronique, les détaillants luttent contre une décennie ou plus de baisse des ventes, de hausse des coûts, d’attentes croissantes des clients et de concurrents de toutes sortes qui volent des parts de marché. Ajoutez à cela l’augmentation explosante des modèles d’affaires non traditionnels qui menacent de submerger tous les détaillants et vraiment seuls les meilleurs détaillants prospéreront dans ce climat.


Afin d’aider les détaillants à être compétitifs et à rester pertinents, nos experts repensent tous les aspects de l’entreprise pour répondre:


/ Comment pouvons-nous offrir une expérience omni-commerce sans friction?

/ Comment réinventons-nous l’expérience du magasin pour générer plus de valeur et d’engagement?

/ Pouvons-nous utiliser les données pour conduire un cycle d’amélioration continue?

/ Comment pouvons-nous créer un « magasin dynamique » entièrement, du merchandising au marketing en passant par les opérations?

/ Nous soucions-nous suffisamment des commentaires sur l’expérience client?

L’essence de l’omnicanal


S’appuyant sur les racines profondes et l’expérience de Valtech, notre équipe de pratique de la vente au détail aide les détaillants et les marques à réussir et à prospérer sur le marché d’aujourd’hui. Nos équipes de stratégie commencent par une plongée profonde dans la compréhension de vos clients et la cartographie de leur parcours ouvre des opportunités cachées dans les ventes, le merchandising, le marketing et les canaux sociaux qui exploitent l’interconnexion de la vente au détail physique et numérique.


Explorez une solution de commerce plus efficace, plus personnalisée et plus à l’épreuve du temps : Bienvenue dans le Magasin dynamique.

Nous savons que le numérique et le physique sont les deux faces d’une même médaille


Pour cette même raison, nous offrons non seulement des expériences uniquement numériques, mais également des expériences connectées en magasin, que ce soit pour la vente au détail de masse, les concept stores ou comme preuve de concept pour acquérir de l’expérience.


Nous savons comment utiliser la technologie pour générer des revenus

Chaque équipe de direction est sous pression pour en faire plus avec les investissements technologiques et en tirer le plus. Des solutions de clienteling et des solutions de point de vente, aux programmes omni-commerce, mobiles et de fidélisation, l’équipe de vente au détail de Valtech a l’expérience pour vous aider à tirer parti des plates-formes technologiques pour générer un retour sur investissement de bout en bout.

Nous travaillons dans tous les segments de la vente au détail


Nous avons une profonde appréciation des nuances entre la vente au détail de masse, la vente au détail spécialisée, les biens de consommation, le luxe, etc. Et nous pouvons également guider nos clients vers des opportunités de pollinisation croisée d’idées.


Nous comprenons le pouvoir – et le défi – d’un magasin physique

Alors que de plus en plus de monde se déplace vers le numérique, les magasins physiques et les canaux traditionnels ont du mal à trouver leur rôle sur le nouveau marché. Pourtant, certains détaillants doublent l’empreinte physique des magasins et sont récompensés par d’énormes gammes et de fortes ventes. Notre équipe a été responsable de certains des magasins de concept et d’expérience les plus grands et les plus audacieux du monde entier.

Redefining post-pandemic retail success

Retail success today hinges on an organization’s ability to create seamless, personalized experiences that resonate with consumers across all touchpoints.

At Valtech, we’re pioneering this transformation with our innovative approach, which drives growth, efficiency and customer loyalty for leading retailers worldwide.

Our unique methodology combines deep customer insights, sector expertise and cutting-edge technology to deliver experiences that exceed customer expectations.

By integrating data and AI throughout our solutions, we empower retailers to make informed decisions, optimize operations and deliver personalized interactions that foster lasting customer relationships.

  • A woman interacting with a touch-screen control panel mounted on a wooden wall inside a home.
  • A woman’s hand wearing a large gemstone ring, browsing various rings displayed on a green jewelry tray.
  • A woman in a white cap with her eyes closed, smiling gently while raising her hands to her face, blocking the sunlight.
  • A person using a smartwatch to make a contactless payment while another person holds a card reader.

Driving retail innovation

Our comprehensive approach to retail transformation is built on four key concepts, each powered by our data-driven framework:

1. Cultural relevance

We help retailers stay at the forefront of consumer trends and preferences, ensuring their brands remain relevant and resonant in an ever-changing market.

Personalized experiences are expected. To stand out from the competition, it is crucial for retailers to create meaningful connections with their target customers with each interaction.

  • Customer-first perspective. Adopt a holistic approach that prioritizes customer needs and preferences at every stage, using advanced analytics to understand and anticipate customer journeys, customer values and customer behaviors.

  • Segmented marketing with a niche approach. Tailor your marketing strategies to target specific cultural segments, recognizing and addressing the cultural differences that influence shopping behaviors and brand interactions.

  • Activation and media campaigns. Develop targeted, data-driven campaigns that resonate with your audience and drive engagement across channels.

  • Digital optimization. Identify and mitigate digital friction points to enhance the customer experience and drive innovation.

  • Loyalty redefined. Craft modern loyalty programs that foster long-term relationships through continuous engagement and community-building.

2. Unified commerce

We create seamless omnichannel experiences that reflect modern consumers’ needs for convenience, immediacy and deep emotional connection.

Our approach includes a focus on composable architecture, allowing flexibility and scalability without being confined to a single technology stack

  • MACH approach. Our composable architectures are microservices-based, API-first, cloud-native and headless.

  • Full-stack expertise. We provide end-to-end solutions, from strategic planning to technical execution.

  • Tech and data accelerators. We use accelerators in tech and data deployments to help our clients move faster in their retail business transformations, presenting a progressive and value-oriented way of working.

  • Omnichannel orchestration. Integrate digital platforms, logistics and inventory management for a cohesive and highly flexible customer experiences across all touchpoints — physical and online.

  • Data-driven personalization. Harness big data and AI to personalize interactions and drive memorable, unique experiences in real time.

3. Enterprise acceleration

We transform your entire enterprise to be more agile and responsive, optimizing technology investments for better returns.

This includes comprehensive change management and redesigning new operating models to ensure successful management of your unified commerce strategy with operational excellence daily.

  • Agile technology adoption. Modernize to flexible, cloud-based platforms that support swift updates and scalability.

  • Innovation culture. Embed agile methodologies and foster a product culture that encourage rapid testing and iteration.

  • Cloud-driven flexibility. Implement solutions that provide the agility to scale based on real-time market data.

4. Future-back innovation

We promote a bold reimagining of possibilities through innovative proof-of-concept projects that pave the way for groundbreaking advancements.

Our approach leverages AI combined with immersive technologies such as AR/VR to deliver the most meaningful, personalized and intimate experiences.

  • Design thinking approach. Use design thinking to anticipate and shape future products and services to help you stay ahead of the competition.

  • Culture of innovation. Promote daring proofs-of-concept and rapid experimentation with a test-and-learn mindset.

  • Predictive analytics and generative AI. Leverage AI to analyze customer data to predict trends and create personalized experiences.

  • Redefining experiences. Address the tension between effortless transactions and meaningful interactions. This ensure every customer touchpoint is both efficient and engaging.

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Data & AI: The foundation of modern retail

Underpinning all four concepts is our advance data & AI capability. We help retailers:

  • Build robust data infrastructures that aggregate and activate diverse datasets.

  • Enable decision intelligence through comprehensive dashboards and processes that provide actionable insights.

  • Apply AI and machine learning to analyze customer behaviors and predict trends.

  • Enable personalization at scale, tailoring marketing communications and product recommendations.

Our Data Strategy Quickstart workshop

Refine your data and improve your customer experience.

The workshop can help your organization identify achievable and measurable opportunities within categories such as:

  • Product recommendations

  • Loyalty programs

  • Search

  • Dynamic pricing

  • Next-best-action models

  • Communication and channels

  • Customer segmentation

  • Customer lifetime value

  • Inventory optimization

  • Omnichannel fulfillment

We’ll facilitate a collaborative workshop where senior resources are focused on the alignment of the most critical digital and data needs, helping you identify where digital and data products can deliver the most value.

The workshop looks like this:

  • Research and interviews. We will conduct one-hour interviews with executive leaders in addition to our own workshop prep.

  • Workshop. We’ll spend a half day with you prioritizing your business challenges and needs, identifying data use cases, setting priorities, then clarifying use cases by creating rough concepts.

  • Readout. Afterward, we will spend one or two hours recapping, synthesizing everything learned and creating a sequenced use-case roadmap.

You will come away from this workshop with a prioritized roadmap of use cases to focus on, an understanding of next steps and insights into Valtech’s own way of working.

To learn more, contact our Retail team today.

Shape the future of retail with Valtech

With our proven track record of delivering innovative solutions for industry-leading retail clients, Valtech is uniquely positioned to help you navigate the complexities of modern retail.

Our approach — combining deep tech expertise, customer insights, and innovative design — enables us to create experiences that propel your brand ahead of the competition.


Contact our Retail team today for a free consultation!

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