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Unlocking trust in health

A better way to experience the world

 A mother and child are sitting together at a table, engaged in a video call with a doctor on a tablet. The doctor, who appears to be wearing a white coat and has a stethoscope around his neck, is speaking to them from his office, with a whiteboard visible in the background. The setting is calm and homey, with a small toy dinosaur on the table near the child. The image highlights the convenience and comfort of telemedicine, allowing patients to consult with healthcare professionals from their own home

Navigating healthcare's transformation

The global healthcare landscape is at a crossroads, facing both immediate crises and gradual shifts that challenge its stability and future. These forces, known as "shocks" and "slides," present varying degrees of severity and predictability, threatening the healthcare system’s integrity.

In today’s interconnected world, healthcare challenges require solutions that are seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. Healthcare experiences must be as connected as the rest of our activities, ensuring a more cohesive and patient-centered system. Whether responding to the aftershocks of a pandemic or the gradual rise of chronic conditions, healthcare must embrace integration across all touchpoints to offer truly holistic care.

  •  A close-up image of a person intently looking through the eyepiece of a microscope. The person, focused on their work, is examining something with great attention to detail. The microscope's black eyepiece is visible, along with a hint of blue equipment. The scene captures the precision and concentration required in scientific research or medical diagnostics. The lighting is soft, highlighting the person’s concentration and the importance of their work.
  • A father gently tends to his newborn baby, who is swaddled and resting in a hospital bassinet. The father is leaning over, carefully adjusting the baby’s blanket with tenderness and care. He is wearing a hospital bracelet on his wrist, indicating that this is likely soon after the baby's birth. The newborn is peacefully asleep, wrapped in a white blanket. The setting is a hospital room, with soft natural light creating a calm and intimate atmosphere. The image captures the bond between father and child in the early moments of life.
  • A young person is undergoing an eye examination. The doctor holds a flashlight close to the patient's eye, shining light to inspect the pupil's reaction. The patient looks upwards with wide, attentive eyes, while the doctor's hand gently holds their head steady. The setting is well-lit, and the image captures the detail of the eye inspection process, highlighting the patient's trust and the doctor's careful attention. The focus is on the importance of vision care and precise medical evaluation.

Valtech Health fournit les capacités interdisciplinaires pour faciliter la nouvelle normalité, à grande échelle


Nous soutenons les entreprises et les organisations qui fournissent des services médicaux, fabriquent de l’équipement médical ou des médicaments, fournissent une assurance médicale ou facilitent autrement la prestation de soins de santé aux citoyens.


Nous comprenons le rôle central que joue le numérique aujourd’hui pour créer un impact et une pertinence chez tous les acteurs de la santé. Nous savons que la transformation numérique consiste à utiliser la technologie de manière symbiotique et stratégique et non à adopter une technologie ou un appareil particulier dans l’intérêt d’un changement progressif.


Notre composition unique de compétences et de services numériques combine stratégie, innovation et technologie nous permettant de réinventer la façon dont la valeur est fournie et la façon dont la rentabilité est augmentée.

Équilibrer le pouvoir de l’innovation et de l’industrialisation

Au cours de notre partenariat de longue date avec des organisations mondiales de soins de santé, nous avons développé une suite unique de compétences et de services numériques qui combinent stratégie, innovation et technologie. Ces solutions novatrices nous permettent de nous  engager de manière plus significative avec les principales parties prenantes et d’obtenir un impact mesurable. Nous fournissons l’industrialisation à grande échelle en permettant le déploiement efficace de solutions unifiées sur plusieurs marchés à travers le monde.


En équilibrant le pouvoir de l’innovation et de l’industrialisation, nous avons fourni avec succès des portails HCP, l’engagement KOL, les portails d’événements, les programmes de soutien aux patients, la sensibilisation aux maladies, les sites de produits, la communication d’entreprise, le marketing numérique, CLM, l’intégration CRM, les plates-formes numériques de base.

A man is sitting at a kitchen table, deeply focused on his laptop. He has a thoughtful expression, with one hand resting on his chin and the other on the keyboard. The setting is a modern kitchen with soft lighting, creating a calm atmosphere. A white coffee mug sits on the table beside him, and a notebook with a pen is visible in the corner. The image captures a moment of concentration, likely working from home or doing research online.
Transforming the payer landscape

There is a growing need for financial models that connect various stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. To maintain accessible and efficient healthcare, it’s essential to develop systems where risks and rewards are equitably shared among all involved parties.

A female doctor and a professional woman are walking together down a brightly lit hospital hallway. The doctor, wearing a white coat and stethoscope, is holding a clipboard and discussing its contents with the woman, who is dressed in a gray business suit. The two appear to be collaborating, possibly reviewing medical documents or a patient case. The background features clean, modern hospital decor, emphasizing a professional and clinical environment. The image highlights a moment of teamwork and communication in a healthcare setting.
Transforming the stakeholder landscape

As patients become more autonomous, the demand for interconnected digital tools grows. These tools empower individuals to make informed health decisions. Healthcare systems must adapt to provide a complete view of a patient’s health, enabling personalized and proactive care.

A female healthcare professional, wearing blue scrubs and a stethoscope, is carefully examining an X-ray on a lightbox while holding a tablet in her other hand. She is focused on the X-ray, studying it closely, with her reflection visible on the glass surface next to her. Behind her is a medical chart displaying anatomical diagrams. The image captures the use of both traditional and digital tools in medical diagnostics, emphasizing precision and attention to detail in healthcare settings.
Transforming the data landscape

The healthcare industry must focus on holistic data sets that enable seamless information flow across all touchpoints. This is crucial for driving personalized care and ensuring that every aspect of a patient’s health is interconnected and addressed.

 An elderly woman is lying on a bed, preparing to undergo a scan inside an MRI or CT machine. She appears calm and relaxed, with her hands resting on her abdomen and her head cushioned by a pillow. The scanner's red laser lines are visible, marking the alignment for the procedure. The setting is quiet and clinical, with the focus on the patient receiving advanced diagnostic imaging. The image emphasizes the use of modern medical technology for precise and thorough examinations.
Transforming the technology landscape

With rapid technological advancements, healthcare must leverage predictive diagnostics and virtual care. This will ensure that care is proactive, accessible and interconnected, meeting patients' needs anytime, anywhere.

 A male doctor in blue scrubs is gently comforting a female patient in a hospital gown. The doctor places a reassuring hand on the patient’s shoulder while they engage in a quiet moment. The woman, with her eyes closed, appears emotional, as if she is receiving important or difficult news. The setting is a clinical environment, with medical equipment visible in the background. The image highlights empathy and care in the doctor-patient relationship, capturing a moment of support during a vulnerable time.
Transforming the point of care

Healthcare must expand beyond traditional settings and integrate services into everyday life. The growing reliance on connected devices and tools demands that healthcare be as seamlessly integrated into daily routines as these technologies, ensuring continuous and comprehensive care.

nous créons des solutions valorisantes et percutantes

Fondés sur notre compréhension approfondie des besoins des parties prenantes de la santé et des préférences d’engagement, nous créons des solutions appréciées et percutantes pour nos clients qui leur permettent de réaliser leurs opportunités numériques, de tirer parti de leur expérience approfondie de la maladie, d’éliminer les obstacles des parties prenantes et de démontrer des résultats plus rentables.

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont nous pouvons vous soutenir, vous et vos utilisateurs, à travers la révolution numérique de la santé, contactez notre équipe dès aujourd’hui et commençons la conversation ensemble.

Unlocking health experiences as connected as our lives

Take the first step toward transforming your healthcare solutions. Contact our team today to discover how we can help you achieve your digital potential, creating healthcare experiences as seamlessly connected as your life.

Écoutez notre podcast avec Coloplast

Intégrer le changement dans n’importe quelle organisation est un exploit complexe - mais une approche étape par étape pour prouver le succès, peut aider à atténuer le défi. De la fourniture d’applications de compagnons numériques, aux produits de santé connectés et à une nouvelle offre de commerce, cet invité a dû se transformer en faisant; montrant que les choses ne doivent pas toujours être parfaites la première fois, et que ce que vous pouvez apprendre des versions rapides, vous met en place pour fournir de meilleures solutions à long terme.  

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