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VR/AR Practice Lead

Jean-François Tremblay

Jean-Francois is an experienced Business Development Executive with decades of experience bringing innovative products and services to customers all around the world. He is in the forefront when it comes to the evolving Virtual & Augmented Reality technology and the opportunities it presents for businesses.

My Insights

La Réalité Augmentée au service du commerce de détail.

L'importance pour les commerçants de penser à la Réalité Augmentée.


Function Over Fiction:True Immersion and Interaction in VR

Virtual reality used to be pigeonholed as the stuff of fiction and relegated to the gaming world or science fiction movies. With the rapid-fire pace at which VR technology is evolving, it’s becoming glaringly clear that its use and consumption are becoming more mainstream. Indeed, VR is shifting away from fiction—and becoming a functional means to entice, entertain and engage people in their day-to-day lives.


A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Virtual Reality in Retail

Don’t panic. Not yet. There's still time… but don't ignore the facts: Bundling VR headsets with smartphones is making headway, and VR is becoming highly accessible. VR is in its first billion-dollar investment year as we look at the first two months of 2016. VR has already become a powerful tool in the gaming, aerospace and medical industry, but is ready to make headway in many more industries.


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