May 06, 2019
Recently, I got an issue in which Sitecore Experience Profile stopped working and was not showing any records (not even Anonymous!!).
Here are the things which I tried:
Enable Anonymous contacts:
- In order to enable and show anonymous contacts in Experience profile, navigate to xConnect root path.
- Go to xConnectRootPath\App_data\jobs\continuous\IndexWorker\App_data\config\sitecore\SearchIndexer.
- Open sc.Xdb.Collection.IndexerSettings.xml and set the value of IndexAnonymousContactData to true.
Fixed- Access to the registry key ‘Global’ is denied Issue:
Enabling anonymous contacts didn’t solve the issue and profile records were still not visible, when i checked logs- i see the below error:
To fix the above issue:
- Open Computer Management –> System Tools –> Local Users and Groups –> Groups –> Performance Log Users
- Add the identity to the Performance Log Users group.
- Restart AppPool for the XConnect website
Rebuild the xDB search index:
I rebuild the search index but this didn’t fix the issue.
XConnect Avatar Facet Issue:
After some time, we realized that the previous contacts are visible but only new contacts are not visible in the Experience profile and we also observed the below error in the logs.
When we checked this we found this similar issue has already been reported by Rodrigo Peplau here.
This issue is related to image length which has been uploaded in the Profile section of contact- when we removed the Avatar facets issue got fixed.
Our Sitecore version was 9.1 Initial release– however we didn’t observe this issue in Sitecore 9.0 versions.
Rodrigo Peplau has also provided the fix for this issue here.
Happy learning!
Article was originally published on Ankit Joshi's Sitecore blog: Sitecore Experience Profile Stopped Working