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Every heartbeat matters

Shiv Kumar MN
MD Valtech India

April 23, 2024

In today's world, the challenge of ensuring that underserved communities globally have fair access to life-saving medical treatment persists. Numerous organizations are striving to bridge this gap, aiming to make critical care accessible, affordable or even free for those in need. Within India, Valtech plays a pivotal role in this endeavor, with offices strategically located in Bengaluru, Gurugram and Pune. Bengaluru, known as India's Silicon Valley, is also home to the Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, dedicated to fighting the healthcare accessibility issue.

With its expansive cardiac care facility boasting over 2000 beds, Jayadeva Hospital is South Asia's premier heart care destination. As a not-for-profit organization, it offers high-quality treatment at reasonable rates to all strata of society and entirely free of charge to the financially challenged. Guided by the steadfast motto of "Every needy patient should be given quality treatment irrespective of financial affordability," Jayadeva Hospital exemplifies a commitment to serving all of humanity.


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Unlocking healthcare access for all

At Valtech, one of our core values is care, which extends beyond our business to create a positive impact on the communities we serve. Through our Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, we have forged a meaningful partnership with India’s Jayadeva Hospital to ensure that quality cardiac care reaches patients in our society at affordable or no cost. For years, Valtech India has proudly aligned its values with Jayadeva Hospital's noble mission, standing as a steadfast ally in the journey towards accessible healthcare.

Empowering partnerships for positive change

Our support extends beyond mere words. Valtech has furnished Jayadeva Hospital with fully equipped ambulances and cutting-edge medical devices essential for prompt, world-class treatment. Dr. Manjunath, MD, Director of Jayadeva Hospital, commends the unwavering commitment of Valtech and our dedicated employees, recognizing our profound decision to uplift society.

Together, we can continue to build a society where quality healthcare knows no economic barrier and cultivate an inclusive vision where every heartbeat matters.


True to our core values, we remain steadfast in our commitment to actively participate in similar initiatives and embrace the responsibility of being a conscientious global corporate citizen. Through collective efforts, we aspire to unlock a better way to experience the world where compassion and accessibility define healthcare, ensuring that no one is left behind.

At Valtech, we embody our core values of sharing, daring and caring. We firmly believe that healthcare is a fundamental right accessible to all regardless of economic status. Aligned with Jaydeva Hospital's vision, we are dedicated to supporting their mission every step of the way, ensuring their success in providing essential care to those in need.

- Shiv Kumar MN, MD Valtech India

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