Rebuilding Trust in Health

With so many layers and factors involved, how can we increase the public’s trust of healthcare?

12 Pages

14 Minutes reading

Public trust in governmental health management has reached historic lows. According to Edelman Trust Barometer’s special report on trust and health, only 43% of people trust that governments will do what is right in addressing health needs and concerns. Life science companies have a unique opportunity to help revitalize health ecosystems, but to do that they must embrace the “holistic value, high margin, high volume” play. In this article, we’ll explore why and how to do just that, as well as where to turn to find success.

Unlocking Trust in Health

Trust is the bedrock of individual health outcomes and societal resilience. High rates of trust in HCPs on the individual level leads to improved health behaviors, higher quality of life and reduced symptoms. To get to that place, we need breakthrough health experiences. This is where pharma and other life sciences companies can gain the advantage. With higher levels of public trust being placed in private companies and their abilities to deliver for their patients, companies in this field are poised to not only win business but to change the public perception of health as a whole.

This article is full of insights, advice and backed by experience. Anyone interested in leading the way into Healthcare’s thriving future should start their journey here. Download a copy of Unlocking Trust in Health today to learn more.

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