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eCommerce Business Analyst

Niels Linding Thomsen

”I get to convert ideas and endless talks into actual results.
It simply doesn’t get any better than that.”

How did you get here?

“Having worked on the client side, I wanted to challenge myself and switch things up. A good decision, it turned out. As a Business Analyst I get to work with so many different challenges and objectives, in many different contexts for many different companies. As part of Valtech, I even get to do that in cooperation with coworkers from many different professional and cultural backgrounds, which means I’m constantly learning and challenging myself.”

What makes you good at what you do?

“Coming from the client side, I generally have a very good understanding of the clients’ perspectives and with a commercial background, I know how to translate a technical language and values into a business reality. Furthermore, and perhaps even more important for my role, I thrive when making ends meet. The best days are when I’m able to transform needs into results or issues into solutions. As a business analyst that’s a big part of what I get to do every day: working with various stakeholders within the same projects, translate their needs and desires into common goals, and get to be part of that journey. I get to convert ideas and endless talks into actual results. It simply doesn’t get any better than that.”

Why Valtech?

“I love when I get to feel the pulse - both regarding my work and my general environment. I love diversity. I love challenges and I love opportunities. I love when I get to make a difference for someone. Valtech has all of it wrapped in one. I’m constantly challenged to learn new things from both diverse clients and colleagues and at the same time, I’m constantly reaffirmed that we’re making a difference. Every possible checkbox for what I want, is checked here.“

I’m constantly challenged to learn new things from both diverse clients and colleagues and at the same time, I’m constantly reaffirmed that we’re making a difference.

What does the future look like from your perspective?

“I’m feeling the winds of change, for sure! Digital is no longer confined to the basement of the business. It’s increasingly becoming part of the business’ DNA, as companies start realizing that a digital strategy is an integrated part of a smart business strategy. Digital transformations are becoming Business transformations, and the ones ready to embrace that and make the big moves towards a digital organization will be steps ahead. And I’m excited to be part of their journeys.”

Insights from Niels

PIM - a force to be reckoned with

PIM is hot! And with good reason. You may not be aware, but a successful implementation of a Product Information Management solution can add a whole lot of value to your business - especially in this experience driven economy in which we operate today.

April 06, 2018

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