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C2 Montreal

Let's Talk Climate

How Valtech delivered a sustainable digital awareness experience at C2 Montréal.


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  • Experience Elevation

Sustainability Experience at C2


Valtech once again participated in this year's edition of C2 Montréal, held from May 24 to 26, delivering an extraordinary interactive experience.

Our goal was to raise awareness among participants about digital sustainability and empower them to take autonomous action towards a more responsible future. Through a concise and captivating interactive experience, we not only measured the carbon footprint of websites but also presented practical solutions to help participants grasp eco-design principles and effectively reduce their carbon emissions.

The insightful discussions sparked by the results of the analyzed sites' carbon footprints led to meaningful conversations about optimizing websites and implementing strategies to minimize emissions.

Together, let's drive change and build a greener digital landscape!

Valtech is committed to being a part of the solution in decarbonizing the planet by significantly reducing the energy consumption of digital assets. Our goal at the C2 event is to create awareness among all stakeholders in the digital sector, including ESG managers in companies, about the importance of addressing this issue.

Damien Lefebvre, EVP North America

Key Results from the Experience


The average CO2e emissions in grams per visit on the websites of C2 Montréal participants, assessed by Valtech last week. 


It’s the estimated equivalent of :  

  • 2461 km driven in an average gasoline powered vehicle  

  • 44 propane cylinders  

  • 116 777 smartphones charged  

*for an average of 500,000 visitors a year.

For reference, the global average is 1.76 grams. 

Questions Explored with Participants

  • Does your website only include the necessary digital files? 

  • Are your files well-optimized for the web?

  • How much do you prioritize system fonts, which are less energy-intensive? 

  • Do you collect data solely to serve a specific purpose? 

  • Could some of the content on your site be static rather than dynamic?

Together, we can explore these questions! 

Valtech's Core Focus

Digital Sustainability

Valtech has recently made significant progress in its sustainability commitment. Over the past few months, digital sustainability principles have been seamlessly integrated into projects, prioritizing environmental sustainability in the experience development process.

Furthermore, Valtech has launched a catalyst program focused on sustainability, enabling customers to actively participate in this sustainable approach. This program combines eco-design expertise with tailored solutions, equipping customers with practical tools and guidance to integrate sustainability principles into their own projects.

This subject holds great significance for us, and Damien Lefebvre, our Executive Vice President for North America, addressed it during a recent TEDx Talks conference. You have the opportunity to view the complete video of her insightful presentation by following this link: Digital sustainability: It's up to us, available in French. 

Valtech's Sustainability Catalyst Programs

Valtech designs catalyst programs to provide comprehensive knowledge and actionable solutions for emerging trends like WEB3, sustainability, and AI. Our digital sustainability catalyst program specifically focuses on supporting companies in taking meaningful action on environmental issues.


Today, Valtech conducts digital carbon audits and offers recommendations to customers, enabling them to enhance site performance, reduce hosting costs, foster customer loyalty, and minimize energy consumption and carbon footprint.


Our services encompass qualitative assessments through stakeholder interviews, analysis of IT/cloud provider reports, carbon audits for selected digital properties, and the development of customized action plans based on key performance indicators (KPIs). We prioritize flexibility and tailor our services to meet the unique needs of each company.

5 Sustainability Principles

  1. Efficacité énergétique : Concevoir et utiliser des systèmes et technologies numériques de manière à minimiser la consommation énergétique et à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. 

  2. Économie circulaire : Promouvoir des pratiques durables dans la production et l'élimination des produits numériques, telles que le recyclage et la remise à neuf. 

  3. Vie privée et sécurité des données : S’assurer que les données personnelles sont protégées contre l'accès ou l'utilisation non autorisés. 

  4. Accessibilité numérique et inclusion : Assurer que les produits et services numériques sont accessibles à tous, y compris aux personnes handicapées, et qu'ils n'exacerbent pas les inégalités sociales.

  5. Considérations éthiques : Prendre en compte les implications éthiques des technologies et pratiques numériques, telles que leur impact sur les droits de l'homme et la justice sociale. 

Digital sustainability: It's up to us!

Let's taking collective action now

This subject holds great significance for us, and Damien Lefebvre, our Executive Vice President for North America, addressed it during a recent TEDx Talks conference. Here's the full video of his enlightening presentation for you to watch:

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