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Senior Consultant

Tannis Gibson

Tannis applies her years of experience championing user experience and content strategy best practices to help medium to large organizations envision, design and implement their websites.

My Insights

How to use journey maps to develop a content strategy

Journey maps are documents that illustrate an individual’s needs, their interaction with your organization and the resulting emotional state of the individual throughout the process.*

December 27, 2018

The 5 basic elements of Sitecore information architecture marketers need to consider before building a new website

There comes a time in every website project where you have to consider the structure and organization of the site’s content. My hope for you is that happens earlier rather than later. In fact, if I was making wishes I would wish that it is the first thing you consider before you ever have a single conversation about wireframes, design or development requirements.

October 26, 2017

Planning a Sitecore website: wireframe design and UX strategy

In this article we are going to discuss how to breakdown website wireframes into Sitecore templates and components to create a usable system for website content maintenance.

May 04, 2017

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