
Defining a Winning Ecommerce Strategy

02. Juni 2021

As we are now most likely entering a more normal state of Ecommerce for the remainder of 2021 with less tailwind and slowing growth rates- the main question is: What happens next? Not an easy question to answer but an important one. The truth is that most of this can’t be answered. Although, the question that can and should be addressed is: Have you defined a winning strategy with a solid plan to execute? Herein likely lies a massive opportunity to increase the scale and profitability potential of your company.

At Valtech we work with a broad range of clients to improve their digital sales capabilities specifically within Ecommerce.

We work together with our clients to: 

    1. Maintain the momentum to continue growing.
    2. Extend their existing leadership position further.
    3. Close the gap if they have not yet captured their fair share of the Ecommerce market.

A good Ecommerce strategy should obviously define a winning customer proposition, a strong operating model, and a strong plan for execution (getting things done is often neglected). Our mantra has always been to look inwards and get really close to where we see real business impact kicking in. We focus on building the core capabilities which change the ability to execute and exceed market growth levels. Based on our own experience as practitioners from across Ecommerce industries, we mainly look at 9 capabilities and 2 enablers that move the needle and create the highest business impact.


Ecommerce Maturity Assessment




Having a structured view on the above capabilities and enablers in our framework allows for structure and guidance. First and foremost, it ensures the Ecommerce maturity of your company is developed with the right focus and sequence of priorities. 

We go through each area by looking at company data combined with our industry benchmarks and experience. After having “double-clicked” on each of the areas in more detail, the framework specifically helps to identify:

    • Where to focus: We provide an overview of the totality of the most important capabilities that need to be in place to get optimal impact.
    • Where to specifically improve: We establish clarity and common understanding of where maturity is highest/lowest.
    • Impact & Long-Term Roadmap: We choose the right bets to double down on without stretching the maturity in one or two areas to disconnect from the totality.

As a result, the Ecommerce maturity is developed in a faster pace and in a sequence where the totality of the operating model is taken into consideration.


Accelerating Ecommerce Maturity



We are privileged to work on transformational journeys within Ecommerce for several brands where we help tackle their challenges and capitalise on their opportunities. This includes both leading global brands and local brands with high ambitions.

We have helped a global client get the Ecommerce basics in place and build a trading culture to accelerate growth even further during the pandemic. We've engaged with an affordable luxury brand to define their future Ecommerce strategy by creating an operating model to accelerate Ecommerce sales, strengthen brand equity focus and the ability to move closer to end-consumers (through data collection etc.) And recently we also advised a brand on how to capitalize on their omnichannel offering while building an Ecommerce strategy and capabilities to run a D2C pure play business in parallel.


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